SFP for emailing from the domain(s)


Pair Support Recommends SPF

Several third-party email providers have implemented stricter SPF
requirements, causing an increase in bounced emails for our customers.

We recommend enabling SPF on your mailbox's domain to decrease
bounce rates.

*What is SPF?*

SPF, or Sender Policy Framework, is a DNS record that helps combat spam and phishing emails. Once added to a domain, the SPF record will affect all mailboxes linked to the domain, provided the domain is not using third-party DNS servers or email services. See Adding an SPF Record for a deeper technical explanation.


If a mailbox doesn't have SPF enabled, some email providers may refuse to accept the email, regardless of its legitimacy.

Enabling SPF

We created a pre-configured SPF record you can activate on your
mailbox's domain. It's a beginner-friendly process; you only need to
click a few buttons in your hosting account. It works well for most Pair Networks customers who do not use third-party DNS servers or third-party email services on their domain.

To enable SPF:

  • Log in to your account at my.pair.com.
  • In the left sidebar, click Domains, then click the Manage Your
    Domain Names tab.
  • In the Domain Name column, click the domain that your custom mailbox uses (For example, 'user@example.com' would use the domain 'example.com').
  • Find the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) section and click the Change SPF Settings button.
  • Click the Activate SPF button.

About the author 

Mark Rauterkus

Mark Rauterkus, is the webmaster for ISCA. Also a swim, SKWIM and water polo coach in Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Cell: 412-298-3432

{"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}